12 Dog Days Till Christmas (2014)

Movie Summary

When a foster teenager, who can’t seem to stay out of trouble, is assigned to work at a no-kill animal shelter for his community service, he finds a sense of responsibility and real connection to the true spirit of Christmas for the first time in his life. The shelter’s owner finds that she can no longer afford to fund the shelter and the clock begins to tick to get all the dogs placed in loving homes before Christmas.

Is it available to purchase or rent?

No, however it is available for online viewing.

2022 Dates, Times, and Channels

Not airing this week

Year Released


Cast Includes

Reginald VelJohnson (Art Stephenson), Vincent Giovagnoli (Jack Whitley), Lexi Giovagnoli (Blair), Lunden D’Leon (Tina Stephenson), Grainne McDermott (Ryan), Chandler Parnell (Hillary), Lilly Nelson (Martha Whitley), Steve Earnest (Lou), Jeffrey M. Miller (Mr. Banks)

Rate Movie:

3.7/5 - (10 votes)

Movie Trailer

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