A Carol Christmas (2003)

Movie Summary

Carol Cartman is an ego-maniacal TV talk show host determined to destroy the festive fun in the studio. During a pre-show nap, her late Aunt Marla takes Carol on a holiday journey, complete with the Ghosts of Christmas Past and Christmas Present.

A Carol Christmas was originally released on the Hallmark Channel December 7, 2003.

Where can I watch A Carol Christmas online?

A Carol Christmas is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is A Carol Christmas available to buy on DVD?


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When will A Carol Christmas air on TV in 2024?

Not airing this week

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the UPtv Channel. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the Most Uplifting Christmas Ever UPtv schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Tori Spelling (Carol Cartman), Dinah Manoff (Aunt Marla), William Shatner (Dr. Bob), Gary Coleman (Ghost of Christmas Past)

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3.4/5 - (9 votes)

A Carol Christmas Movie Trailer

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2 thoughts on “A Carol Christmas (2003)

  • December 4, 2018 at 2:21 AM

    One thing that brings this movie down, is it being one of the thousand movie remake of A Christmas Carol. Certaintly the best movie ever, best is one of my very few favorite Christmas movies. This one is number one on my fav list. Tori Spelling really showed her acting, finally someone wrote a script that would suit Spelling. Instead of her getting a script that always make her look like an awful actress. Was like Bill Murray in Scrooged (1988), which this movie in someways a lot of like it. Tori Spelling character was like Bill s a Scrooge after the famous life in the media changed them. I actually watch half of the A Christmas Carol and liked it better than Scrooged. And I love watching Scrooged all the time. Spelling love interest is Jason Brooks (Of Baywatch Hawaii)who both star in the t 4 v movie The Alibi which Spelling and Brooks had a storyline in it too. Just didn t like William Shatner in the movie. Nevertheless a great movie for the whole family to watch I give it 5 stars
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  • November 18, 2016 at 3:15 AM

    Is this movie coming on this year?

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