A Christmas Tree Miracle (2013)

Movie Summary

For the George family – accustomed to the luxuries of a privileged suburban life – Christmas has become a season of taking rather than giving. With dad preoccupied with work, mom on edge, and self-involved teens Nick and Natalie fixated on their ever-growing wish lists, the youngest, six-year-old Nina, is the only one with any true Christmas spirit. When their dad loses his job just before the holidays, the family ignores the severity of the situation and continues to live above their means. When the consequences catch up with them, they are left with nothing and nowhere to turn. Taken in by an eccentric Christmas tree farmer, the family learns that miracles can come true…if you believe!

A Christmas Tree Miracle was originally released on DVD in 2013, later premiering on UPtv November 26, 2014.

Where can I watch A Christmas Tree Miracle online?

A Christmas Tree Miracle is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is A Christmas Tree Miracle available to buy on DVD?


When will A Christmas Tree Miracle air on TV in 2023?

Not airing this week

Year Released


Cast Includes

Kevin Sizemore (David George), Terry Kiser (Henry Banks), Jill Whelan (Cindy Cruthers), Barrett Carnahan (Nick George), Emily Capehart (Natalie George), David Gray (William ‘Pappy’ George), Lou Wegner (Oliver), Annie Kitral (Marlene Saunders), Robbie Barnes (Colleen), Claudia Esposito (Julie George)

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A Christmas Tree Miracle Movie Trailer

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