An Evergreen Christmas (2014)

Movie Summary

Evie Lee is forced to return to her small hometown of Balsam Falls, Tennessee and her family’s once-thriving Christmas tree farm to attend her father’s unexpected funeral. As the eldest sibling, she finds herself executor of an estate that owes a massive inheritance tax, much to her younger brother’s dismay. Torn between pursuing her music career and saving her family’s legacy, she must decide what it really means to find her place in the world.

An Evergreen Christmas was originally released on DVD November 4, 2014.

Where can I watch An Evergreen Christmas online?

An Evergreen Christmas is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is An Evergreen Christmas available to buy on DVD?


When will An Evergreen Christmas air on TV in 2023?

Not airing this week

Year Released


Cast Includes

Charleene Closshey (Evie Lee), Robert Loggia (Pops), Tyler Ritter (Adam), Booboo Stewart (Angel), Naomi Judd (Honey), Jake Sandvig (Chez), Greer Grammer (Annabelle), Brantley Pollock (Thomas), Tiz McWilliams (Becky Tamora), Sal Lopez (Jose)

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An Evergreen Christmas Movie Trailer

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