Babes in Toyland (1961)

Movie Summary

Enjoy a happy excursion into the world of Mother Goose where all roads lead to magical, merry Toyland as Mary Contrary and Tom Piper prepare for their wedding! But villainous Barnaby wants Mary for himself, so he kidnaps Tom, setting off a series of comic chases, searches, and double-crosses. The “March Of The Wooden Soldiers” helps put Barnaby in his place, and ensures a “happily ever after” for Tom and Mary.

The 1961 version of Babes in Toyland was originally released December 14, 1961.

Where can I watch Babes in Toyland online?

Babes in Toyland is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon Stream on Disney+

Is Babes in Toyland available to buy on DVD?


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When will Babes in Toyland air on TV in 2024?

Not airing this week

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on Turner Classic Movies (TCM). For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the TCM Christmas Classics schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Ray Bolger (Barnaby Barnicle), Tommy Sands (Tom Piper), Annatte Funicello (Mary Quite Contrary), Ed Wynn (Toymaker), Tommy Kirk (Grumio), Henry Calvin (Gonzorgo), Kevin Corcoran (Boy Blue), Ann Jillian (Bo Peep), Gene Sheldon (Roderigo), Mary McCarty (Mother Goose)

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Babes in Toyland Movie Trailer

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