Carol for Another Christmas (1964)

Movie Summary

In Rod Serling’s update of Charles Dickens, industrial tycoon Daniel Grudge has never recovered from the loss of his 22-year-old son Marley, killed in action during Christmas Eve of 1944. The embittered Grudge has only scorn for any American involvement in international affairs. But then the Ghost of Christmas Past takes him back through time to a World War I troopship. Grudge also is visited by the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Future gives him a tour across a desolate landscape where he sees the ruins of a once-great civilization.

Carol for Another Christmas was originally televised on ABC December 28, 1964, it was not shown again for 48 years, until Turner Classic Movies (TCM) broadcast it December 16, 2012.

Where can I watch Carol for Another Christmas online?

Carol for Another Christmas is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is Carol for Another Christmas available to buy on DVD?


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When will Carol for Another Christmas air on TV in 2024?

4/16/24 – 6:00am on TCM (Turner Classic Movies)

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on Turner Classic Movies (TCM). For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the TCM Christmas Classics schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Sterling Hayden (Daniel Grudge), Eva Marie Saint (WAVE Lt. Gibson), Ben Gazzara (Fred), Barbara Ann Teer (Ruby), Percy Rodriguez (Charles), Pat Hingle (Ghost of Christmas Present), Steve Lawrence (Ghost of Christmas Past), Robert Shaw (Ghost of Christmas Future)

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1.6/5 - (44 votes)

Carol for Another Christmas Movie Trailer

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One thought on “Carol for Another Christmas (1964)

  • September 10, 2015 at 12:49 PM

    I remember seeing this on ABC when it first ran in 1964, and then not again until TCM picked it up two years ago. It was the first of a short series of dramatic specials about the work of the United Nations. The only bit I remembered was a few seconds of Peter Sellers as the “Imperial Me,” the dictator of Grudge’s home town following a nuclear war. The script was by Rod Serling, so it was wordy and overly melodramatic. Worse, Henry Mancini’s theme for the special was dropped in favor of standard carols. Mancini’s “Carol for Another Christmas” is a beautiful piece of music, and it might have helped elevate the entire show.

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