Christmas Trade (2015)

Movie Summary

Also known as Christmas Switch.

Mitch Taylor is a workaholic attorney and widowed dad to son Robbie. Lately, Mitch is in way over his head as he tries to be a dad, please his hard-edged boss and become partner at his firm, while dealing with an impatient girlfriend. His son Robbie has problems of his own. The school bully has made Robbie his latest target, he tries not to be a total nerd in front of the girl he likes, and to make things worse, he was unwillingly cast as lead role in the Christmas pageant. Mitch and Robbie definitely think the other has it pretty easy, until a mysterious toy causes them to switch bodies forcing them to find out what it’s like to spend the holidays in each other’s shoes.

Christmas Trade was originally released on DVD November 3, 2015.

Where can I watch Christmas Trade online?

Christmas Trade is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is Christmas Trade available to buy on DVD?


When will Christmas Trade air on TV in 2023?

Not airing this week

Year Released


Cast Includes

Denise Richards (Chloe), Tom Arnold (Gus), Billy Baldwin (Mitch Taylor), Anne Stedman (Harper Shaw), Brent Huff (Billings), Jennifer Grant (Trish), Desiree Abeyta (Trudy), Amanda Conlon (Mrs. Brewer), Camryn Sutton (Amelia), Shawn Huff (Dianne)

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Christmas Trade Movie Trailer

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