Royal New Year’s Eve (2017)

Movie Summary

Originally titled Kiss for the New Year and later New Year’s Gala.

Magazine assistant and aspiring fashion designer Caitlyn’s world is turned upside down when Prince Jeffrey and his presumed future fiancé Lady Isabelle come to town. Isabelle hires Caitlyn to design a dress for the royal New Year’s Eve ball where Jeffrey is expected to propose. Caitlyn spends time creating a dress fit for a princess with her friend Doris and planning the ball with Jeffrey. Caitlyn and Jeffrey begin to develop feelings for one another but Jeffrey’s royal commitment to marry Isabelle and assume the throne stands in between them. As the New Year’s Eve ball approaches, Jeffrey and Caitlyn must decide if they can overcome royal tradition to pursue their happily ever after.

Royal New Year’s Eve was originally released on the Hallmark Channel December 30, 2017.

Where can I watch Royal New Year’s Eve online?

Royal New Year’s Eve is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is Royal New Year’s Eve available to buy on DVD?


When will Royal New Year’s Eve air on TV in 2023?

Not airing this week

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the main Hallmark Channel. For a complete schedule of dates and times, please click here.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Jessy Schram, Sam Page, Cheryl Ladd

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Royal New Year’s Eve Movie Trailer

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