Mrs. Santa Claus (1996)

Movie Summary

Feeling unappreciated at the North Pole, Santa’s better half decides to take the sleigh out for a spin. But when the sleigh breaks down, she’s stranded in the real world, with Christmas just days away!

Mrs. Santa Claus was originally released as a Hallmark Entertainment presentation on CBS December 8, 1996.

Where can I watch Mrs. Santa Claus online?

Mrs. Santa Claus is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is Mrs. Santa Claus available to buy on DVD?


When will Mrs. Santa Claus air on TV in 2023?

12/03/23 – 3:50pm on Movies!
12/09/23 – 1:10pm on Movies!
12/23/23 – 6:00am on Movies!
12/25/23 – 3:25pm on Movies!

What channel is Movies! TV Network? We recommend (and use ourselves!) FrndlyTV streaming services. Plans start at $6.99 per month for 40+ channels the Movies! TV Network, both Hallmark channels, Lifetime, and UPtv. Watch all your favorite holiday programming without expensive cable costs. Sign Up for Frndly TV Now (free 7-day trial with this link, cancel anytime)

Year Released


Cast Includes

Angela Lansbury, Michael Jeter, Terrence Mann, Lynsey Bartilson

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5/5 - (2 votes)

Mrs. Santa Claus Movie Trailer

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