The Juggler of Notre Dame (1970)

Movie Summary

Also known as Le Jongleur de Notre Dame, The Legend of the Juggler, and The Magic Legend of the Juggler.

After being arrested for stealing fruit while passing through a small village, a wandering minstrel serves his time in a creepy monastery.

The Juggler of Notre Dame originally premiered in Ireland on February 11, 1970.

Where can I watch The Juggler of Notre Dame online?

The Juggler of Notre Dame is not currently available to stream online.

Is The Juggler of Notre Dame available to buy on DVD?


When will The Juggler of Notre Dame air on TV in 2024?

Not airing this week

Year Released


Cast Includes

Jessica Benton (Rozanne), Barry Dennen (The Juggler), Christopher Ellis (Michael), Walter Slezak (The Innkeeper), Dunga Gabor (The Serving Wench), Jeffrey Gillen (Alfred the Vendor), Willoughby Goddard (Judge Broadbottom), Petter Maddon (The Abbot), Walter Miginn (The Minstrel)

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The Juggler of Notre Dame Movie Trailer

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