A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (1973)

Movie Summary

Peppermint Patty invites herself and her friends over to Charlie Brown’s for Thanksgiving, and with Linus, Snoopy, and Woodstock, he attempts to throw together a Thanksgiving dinner.

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving was originally released on CBS November 20, 1973.

Where can I watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving online?

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving is not currently available to stream online.

Is A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving available to buy on DVD?


When will A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving air on TV in 2023?

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving will once again stream exclusively on Apple TV+, it will NOT air on ABC in 2023.

Apple TV+ will provide special free windows for non-subscribers to stream the iconic holiday special, available Saturday, November 18th through Sunday, November 19th.

The TV special was originally broadcast on CBS in 1973 and rerun each year from 1973 until 2000. Beginning with the 2001 holiday season, ABC held rights to air the special. Since 2020, Apple TV+ has been the exclusive home of all Peanuts specials.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Todd Barbee (Charlie Brown), Robin Kohn (Lucy van Pelt), Stephen Shea (Linus van Pelt), Hilary Momberger-Powers (Sally Brown), Christopher DeFaria (Peppermint Patty), Jimmy Ahrens (Marcie), Robin Reed (Franklin)

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A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Movie Trailer

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