A Gingerbread Romance (2018)

Movie Summary

With Christmas just weeks away, the architecture firm Taylor works for enters her in a contest in which the teams will design and build life sized gingerbread houses. After the contest, Taylor will likely be getting a promotion to a position in another city. The firm teams her up with Annabelle, a renowned French pastry chef with whom Taylor instantly locks horns. When Annabelle backs out, Taylor stumbles into a local bakery and meets Adam, a baker and single dad. In an act of desperation, Taylor convinces Adam to partner with her for the contest, arguing that winning would give the bakery much needed exposure. For years Taylor has been resistant to call anywhere “home” for fear it will only be temporary. But the time she spends with Adam and his daughter Brook in their cozy home, decorating for Christmas, and exploring Philadelphia at Christmas, fills her with a longing for a place to call home.

A Gingerbread Romance was originally released on the Hallmark Channel December 16, 2018.

Where can I watch A Gingerbread Romance online?

A Gingerbread Romance is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is it available to buy on DVD?


When will A Gingerbread Romance air on TV in 2023?

Not airing this week

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Channel. For a complete schedule of dates and times, please click here.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Tia Mowry (Taylor Scott), Duane Henry (Adam Dale), Giles Panton (Bradford Gilmore), Melissa Peterman (Linda), Milo Shandel (Mayor), Jocelyn Panton (Wendy), Heather Claire-Nortey (Jenny), Kazumi Evans (Josephine), Julian Christopher (Ray), Shiraine Haas (Carolyn Scott)

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A Gingerbread Romance Movie Trailer

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