A Christmas Cruise (2017)

Movie Summary

When her best friend invites her along for a holiday themed sail, an aspiring novelist, Pam, unexpectedly finds the love of her life on board. But what will happen when the ship returns to port for Christmas?

A Christmas Cruise was originally released on ION Television December 17, 2017.

Where can I watch A Christmas Cruise online?

A Christmas Cruise is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is it available to buy on DVD?

A Christmas Cruise is not currently available on DVD.

When will A Christmas Cruise air on TV in 2023?

12/11/23 – 2:00pm on ION Plus

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on ION Television. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the ION Home for the Holidays Schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Vivica A. Fox (Pam Stevenson), Kristoff St. John (Jake), Jessica Morris (Becky), Rib Hillis (Paul), Corin Nemec (Gil), Cristine Prosperi (Jessica Knoll), Reece Frith (David), Jason Cook (Arlo Sands), Jared Scott (Toby), Reatha Grey (Pam’s Mom)

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4/5 - (15 votes)

A Christmas Cruise Movie Trailer

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5 thoughts on “A Christmas Cruise (2017)

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Leave a Reply to I loved the movie. It is one of many happily ever after and is no worse than many others I've seen. It doesn't matter about Fox's age. It is about the possibilities . Think of it that way Cancel reply

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