A Christmas Mystery (2022)

Movie Summary

One-hundred years ago, a strip of Santa’s magical jingle bells was discovered by a young boy in Pleasant Bay, Oregon, bringing about a century of prosperity and peace for the small town. Now, just days before Christmas, the bells – the lifeblood of the town – are missing, and it’s up to a group of intrepid kids to solve the case, find the bells and restore the Christmas magic to Pleasant Bay and its citizens.

A Christmas Mystery was originally released on HBO Max November 24, 2022.

Where can I watch A Christmas Mystery online?

A Christmas Mystery is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is A Christmas Mystery available to buy on DVD?

A Christmas Mystery is not currently available on DVD.

When will A Christmas Mystery air on TV in 2023?

Not airing this week

Year Released


Cast Includes

Violet McGraw (Violet Pierce), Eddie Cibrian (Sheriff Pierce), Christoph Sanders (Deputy Terry), Drew Powell (George Bottoms), Lauren Lindsey Donzis (Maddie Pierce), Santino Barnard (Kenny Bottoms), Leonardo Cecchi (Harrison Bottoms), Beau Bridges (Mayor Donovan), Oscar Nuñez (Glenn Martin)

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A Christmas Mystery Movie Trailer

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