A Country Christmas Harmony (2022)

Movie Summary

Before Chrissy Kessler’s meteoric rise to fame, the country music superstar was just a small-town girl with dreams of the big time. Now, with her record sales on a rapid decline, Chrissy is strong-armed by an unrelenting record executive to return to the hometown she left behind to perform a live Christmas concert. Accompanying her on this journey is her longtime supportive assistant, Eugene. Luke Covington’s quiet life is suddenly disrupted when he runs into Chrissy, his ex-girlfriend and former country music duo partner, who disappeared on him to pursue her solo career, all those years ago. After a tempestuous rainstorm forces the ex-sweethearts to seek shelter in Luke’s ranch home, the two realize that the only way they’ll survive the holidays is with the other one’s help.

A Country Christmas Harmony was originally released on Lifetime November 19, 2022.

Where can I watch A Country Christmas Harmony online?

A Country Christmas Harmony is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is A Country Christmas Harmony available to buy on DVD?

A Country Christmas Harmony is not currently available on DVD.

When will A Country Christmas Harmony air on TV in 2023?

12/09/23 – 4:00pm on Lifetime

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on Lifetime. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the It’s a Wonderful Lifetime schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Brooke Elliott (Chrissy Kessler), Brandon Quinn (Luke Covington), Danny Pintauro (Eugene), Ann Walker (Pearl Covington), Caden Dragomer (Brandon), Nikki Crawford (Carole), Bradley Dodds (Brad Love), Giancarlo Sabogal (Mitchell), Aaron Coleman (Bruce), Coel Mahal (Leslie Manalo)

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3.3/5 - (11 votes)

A Country Christmas Harmony Movie Trailer

None available

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