A Garfield Christmas Special (1987)

Movie Summary

Garfield, Jon and Odie go to Jon’s grandmother’s house for Christmas, where Garfield finds a present for Grandma.

A Garfield Christmas Special originally premiered December 21, 1987 on CBS and was rebroadcast on CBS every year until the year 2000. Fox owned the rights to rebroadcast the holiday special from 2000–2008, but did not do so. It was only recently rebroadcast again in 2008 on ABC Family.

Where can I watch A Garfield Christmas Special online?

A Garfield Christmas Special is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is A Garfield Christmas Special available to buy on DVD?

Yes, as part of a collection.

Buy on DVD

When will A Garfield Christmas Special air on TV in 2024?

Not airing this week (has not aired on TV since 2008)

Year Released


Cast Includes

Lorenzo Music (Garfield), Thom Huge (Jon), Gregg Berger (Odie), Pat Carroll (Grandma), Pat Harrington Jr. (Dad), David L. Lander (Doc Boy), Julie Payne (Mom)

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A Garfield Christmas Special Movie Trailer

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One thought on “A Garfield Christmas Special (1987)

  • December 12, 2011 at 3:08 PM

    This is one of my favorites!!

    Just an FYI as we have no air date for it this year:
    The special was first broadcast December 21, 1987 on CBS and was rebroadcast on CBS every year thereafter until 2000. Fox owned the rights to rebroadcast from 2000–2008, but did not do so. It was only recently rebroadcast again in 2008 on ABC Family.

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