A Hollywood Christmas (2022)

Movie Summary

Jessica is a young, up-and-coming filmmaker in Hollywood who has made a name for herself directing Christmas movies. But when handsome network executive Christopher shows up threatening to halt production on her latest movie, Jessica’s assistant, Reena, points out the irony: Jessica isn’t just trying to save her Christmas movie, she’s actually living in one! Jessica must now juggle all the classic tropes – actors falling in and out of love, a wayward elf dog, and her own stirring romantic feelings for her perceived nemesis – in order to get her movie and her life to their happy endings.

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When will A Hollywood Christmas air on TV in 2023?

Not airing this week

Year Released


Cast Includes

Jessika Van (Jessica), Josh Swickard (Christopher), Anissa Borrego (Reena), Riley Dandy (Ashley), Zak Steiner (Michael), Tom Williamson (Daniel), Missi Pyle (Theresa Frost), Mark W. Gray (Santa), Brooke Dillman (Karla), Emelia Hartford (Riley)

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A Hollywood Christmas Movie Trailer

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