A Loud House Christmas (2021)

Movie Summary

An original live-action holiday TV movie based on the Emmy Award-winning animated series, The Loud House. The movie follows Lincoln Loud as he gears up for the ultimate Christmas, until he finds out that most of his sisters have plans to be elsewhere for the big day. Determined to remind his family that they all need to be together, Lincoln and his best friend Clyde McBride embark on a mission to preserve the family’s holiday traditions.

A Loud House Christmas was originally released on Paramount+ November 26, 2021.

Where can I watch A Loud House Christmas online?

A Loud House Christmas is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is A Loud House Christmas available to buy on DVD?

A Loud House Christmas is not currently available on DVD.

When will A Loud House Christmas air on TV in 2023?

12/07/23 – 5:30pm on Nickelodeon
12/09/23 – 7:00pm on Nickelodeon
12/11/23 – 7:00pm on Nickelodeon

Year Released


Cast Includes

Wolfgang Schaeffer, Jahzir Bruno, Brian Stepanek, Muretta Moss, Lexi DiBenedetto, Dora Dolphin, Sophia Woodward, Catherine Ashmore Bradley, Morgan McGill, Aubin Bradley, Ella Allan, Mia Allan, Lexi Janicek, Charlotte Ann Tucker

Rate Movie:

4/5 - (4 votes)

A Loud House Christmas Movie Trailer

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3 thoughts on “A Loud House Christmas (2021)

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