A New Orleans Noel (2022)

Movie Summary

Grace Hill and Anthony Brown could not be more different. Despite having gone to college to study architecture together, their lives took them on completely separate paths. However, when they’re both hired to work together on the home of Loretta Brown – a New Orleans praline icon – the two find themselves working together at Christmas…and butting heads over more than just architecture. When Anthony and his family discover that Grace will be celebrating Christmas alone, they invite her to take part in their traditions and their celebrations. Soon, fiercely independent Grace begins to learn the importance of family and community, while modern Anthony learns to embrace tradition and the magic of Christmas. But when Grace is offered a new job far away from New Orleans she’ll have to decide if she’ll leave or follow her heart.

A New Orleans Noel was originally released on Lifetime December 3, 2022.

Where can I watch A New Orleans Noel online?

A New Orleans Noel is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is A New Orleans Noel available to buy on DVD?

A New Orleans Noel is not currently available on DVD.

When will A New Orleans Noel air on TV in 2023?

12/16/23 – 12:30pm on Lifetime

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on Lifetime. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the It’s a Wonderful Lifetime schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Keshia Knight Pulliam (Grace Hill), Brad James (Anthony Brown), Patti LaBelle (Loretta), Tim Reid (Marcel), Donna Duplantier (Tina), Camille Robinson (Charlyne), Kaylee Nicole Johnson (Jordan Brown), Talisa Friedman (Alexis), Drez Ryan (Christoper)

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A New Orleans Noel Movie Trailer

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