A Taste of Christmas (2020)

Movie Summary

When Natalie learns her cousin Francesca must cancel the Christmas Eve opening of her new Italian restaurant, Natalie’s heart goes out to all of the guests who were planning on attending. Since no one should be alone on Christmas, Natalie decides to make the opening happen any way she can. However, the attractive but pessimistic Chef Stefano believes it’s impossible – there are only three days until Christmas! But Natalie insists that problems are just opportunities in disguise and soon she convinces Stefano that they can do it. At first, these opposites do not attract, but feelings begin to change when they find themselves working side-by-side. With Stefano’s help Natalie learns that cooking, like Christmas, isn’t about perfection…it’s about sharing it with the ones you love.

A Taste of Christmas was originally released on Lifetime November 20, 2020.

Where can I watch A Taste of Christmas online?

A Taste of Christmas is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is A Taste of Christmas available to buy on DVD?

A Taste of Christmas is not currently available on DVD.

When will A Taste of Christmas air on TV in 2023?

12/10/23 – 4:00pm on Lifetime

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on Lifetime. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the It’s a Wonderful Lifetime schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Anni Krueger (Natalie Rogers), Gilles Marini (Stefano Grimaldi), Nia Vardalos (Olivia), Andrew Brodeur (Tyler), Emma Myers (BeeBee Jordan), Charles Green (Miles Croaker), Mara Hall (Savannah Meyers), Lauren LaVera (Ariella Cancio), Chelsea Niven (Rachel)

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4.5/5 - (4 votes)

A Taste of Christmas Movie Trailer

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