Christmas Cupid’s Arrow (2018)

Movie Summary

Holly, a professor at a small college, has had a long history of finding the wrong guy. She’s accomplished quite a bit in her life, but after her younger sister announces she is pregnant, Holly decides she is going to make an effort to meet Mr. Right. At the insistence of her best friend, Holly signs up for the dating website “Cupid’s Arrow,” where she meets Josh, an attorney just hired by the school. He’s everything she wants on the surface but has little to say beyond his work and good looks. Josh and David were roommates in college, so Josh recruits David to write poetic messages in an attempt to win Holly over. Eventually, Holly notices that Josh’s spoken words don’t match the glowing, beautifully written texts and emails she’s grown to adore. After confronting Josh, she begins to realize that the man she fell in love with may just be the one who wrote those words to her.

Christmas Cupid’s Arrow was originally released on ION Television November 25, 2018.

Where can I watch Christmas Cupid’s Arrow online?

Christmas Cupid’s Arrow is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is Christmas Cupid’s Arrow available to buy on DVD?

Christmas Cupid’s Arrow is not currently available on DVD.

When will Christmas Cupid’s Arrow air on TV in 2023?

Not airing this week

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the ION Channel. For a complete schedule of dates and times, please click here.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Elisabeth Harnois, Jonathan Togo, Chad Michael Collins, Sasha Jackson

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Christmas Cupid’s Arrow Movie Trailer

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