Four Christmases and a Wedding (2017)

Movie Summary

Event planner Chloe is hired to plan the local Christmas Festival and she is beyond thrilled to embrace the challenge. Professionally, everything is going great, but much to the dismay of her mother, Chloe confesses she has given up on ever finding Mr. Right. That all changes the night of the opening of the festival when she meets Evan. The two begin a whirlwind romance, but as Christmas Day nears, Chloe learns that Evan is being transferred overseas for work. What follows is three more Christmases where Chloe and Evan cross paths at the annual festival, but each year something, or someone, stands in the way of true love. Will a touch of magic on their fourth Christmas Eve finally bring them together?

Four Christmases and a Wedding originally premiered on Lifetime December 2, 2017.

Where can I watch Four Christmases and a Wedding online?

A Christmas Gift is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is Four Christmases and a Wedding available to buy on DVD?

Yes, as part of a collection.

Buy on DVD

When will Four Christmases and a Wedding air on TV in 2024?

Not airing this week

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on Lifetime. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the It’s a Wonderful Lifetime schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Arielle Kebbel, Corey Sevier, Markie Post, Judge Reinhold, Madison Smith, Caitlin Stryker, Cassidy Nugent, Courtney Richter, Jarrod Terrell, Donna Benedicto

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Four Christmases and a Wedding Movie Trailer

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