Home for the Holidays (1972)

Movie Summary

Four sisters return home to the country to visit there ailing father over Christmas. Their father believes that his current wife has tried to poison him, but Dr. Lindsay and the sisters disagree. A storm comes and causes the roads to be flooded and the phone lines are down. Soon it becomes clear that someone wants to kill the sisters as well when one is found murdered by cause of a pitchfork. The youngest sister then tries to run through the woods one day to reach Sheriff Nolan for help. But she has her own encounter as she sees someone chasing her dressed in a large poncho carrying the pitchfork. She turns back home, only to discover that her other sister and her father were murdered as well. The suspect becomes clear it was their father’s wife, but was it someone else?

Home for the Holidays originally premiered on ABC November 28, 1972.

Where can I watch Home for the Holidays online?

Home for the Holidays is not currently available to stream online.

Is Home for the Holidays available to buy on DVD?


When will Home for the Holidays air on TV in 2024?

Not airing this week

Year Released


Cast Includes

Jessica Walter (Frederica Morgan), Sally Field (Christine Morgan), Jill Haworth (Joanna Morgan), Julie Harris (Elizabeth Hall Morgan), Eleanor Parker (Alex Morgan), Walter Brennan (Benjamin Morgan), John Fink (Dr. Ted Lindsay), Med Flory (Sheriff Nolan)

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Home for the Holidays Movie Trailer

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2 thoughts on “Home for the Holidays (1972)

  • April 16, 2014 at 4:21 PM

    Actually this is available on DVD in a horror movie 2 disc pack: 8-Movie Midnight Horror Collection – It Will Leave You In Stitches.
    UPC: 096009131647

    • April 21, 2014 at 12:14 PM

      Thank you for letting us know Jeff, we appreciate it!

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