It’s Christmas, Carol! (2012)

Movie Summary

Carol Huffman is one of Chicago’s most successful book publishers and a ruthless businesswoman. During a Christmas Eve party, she is visited by the ghost of her former boss who takes her on a journey through her past, present, and future, showing her the unhappiness she has created by being such a mercenary. In this modern-day spin on A Christmas Carol, Carol wakes up on Christmas morning determined to make amends for her cold-hearted past.

It’s Christmas, Carol! originally premiered on the Hallmark Channel November 18, 2012.

Where can I watch It’s Christmas, Carol! online?

It’s Christmas, Carol! is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is It’s Christmas, Carol! available to buy on DVD?

Yes, as part of a collection.

Buy on DVD

When will It’s Christmas, Carol! air on TV in 2024?

Not airing this week

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the Hallmark Channel. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the Hallmark Countdown to Christmas schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Emmanuelle Vaugier (Carol), Carrie Fischer (Eve), Olivia Cheng (Kendra), Tygh Runyan (Ben), Patti Allan (Gale), Chelah Horsdal (Tanya), Rebecca Davis (Wendy), Susan Hogan (Linda), Robin Douglas (Gloria), Jim Thorburn (Zac)

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It’s Christmas, Carol! Movie Trailer

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One thought on “It’s Christmas, Carol! (2012)

  • November 19, 2012 at 11:36 AM

    I watched it’s christmas carol and it was a wonderful movie. I have one question. during the show there was a song played “I Am Ready” is what it sounded like.. Who made that sone. I would like to purchase a cd if it’s available…


    Happy Thanksgiving

    Mr. Higgins

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