Jingle Bell Princess (2021)

Movie Summary

Through a series of mishaps, sophisticated Princess Amelia is stranded in the small town of Tucker, Maine. There, she becomes an “ordinary” guest of the unsuspecting Cutler family. Adapted from the book by Barbara Dunlap.

Jingle Bell Princess originally premiered on Great American Family (GAC Family) December 4, 2021.

Where can I watch Jingle Bell Princess online?

Jingle Bell Princess is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is Jingle Bell Princess available to buy on DVD?


Buy on DVD

When will Jingle Bell Princess air on TV in 2024?

3/15/24 – 8:00pm on Great American Family (GAC Family)

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the GAC Family channel. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the Great American Christmas schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Trevor Donovan (Sam), Merritt Patterson (Princess Amelia), Charlie Boyle (Sophie Cutler), Marnie McPhail (Annie Cutler), Lindsay Owen Pierre (Brock), Cherion Drakes (Melanie), Jaeda Owens (Libby)

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4.7/5 - (9 votes)

Jingle Bell Princess Movie Trailer

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2 thoughts on “Jingle Bell Princess (2021)

  • December 2, 2022 at 7:09 PM

    Jingle bell princess is the worst, in my opinion. I’ve watched Merritt Patterson in other Hallmark movies and I thought she did real well, but trying to speak with an English accent is so bad it’s almost comical. What was she thinking taking on this part. Kind of did it for me, hope she can redeem herself.

    • December 3, 2022 at 2:26 PM

      As to Ms Patterson’s speech; aka Brit speech; I lived in the UK for a number of years while on active duty in the military; and along with being engaged to a public school teacher; Fiona: the accent of the actor was spot on as a “public schooled posh accent” In fact couple times I closed my eyes and just listened to the movie dialogue and thought I was back in the UK talking to Fiona. Thats why I’ve purchased the movie. I say again that the two actors are well suited together and would like to see a new sequel. Finally; it gets old having so many Christmas lites and subjects that talk about someones gala or Christmas shows; this plot was a bit of a relief on this new channel. Being a disabled veteran after 20 plus years its a pleasant relief this time of the year to watch something nice; family and romantic in nature so Hallmark keep it up. Kevin in Nevada..

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