Kirk Franklin’s A Gospel Christmas (2021)

Movie Summary

When Olivia, a young assistant pastor, gets assigned to be a lead pastor at a new church a month before Christmas, she’s fearful she can’t manage the transition, including getting the choir ready to open the town’s annual Winter Jamboree. Banding together with her new congregation, Olivia discovers a new home for herself, and even finds a little Christmas romance along the way! Featuring a special appearance and songs written and arranged by Kirk Franklin.

Kirk Franklin’s A Gospel Christmas was originally released on Lifetime December 4, 2021.

Where can I watch Kirk Franklin’s A Gospel Christmas online?

Kirk Franklin’s A Gospel Christmas is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is Kirk Franklin’s A Gospel Christmas available to buy on DVD?

Kirk Franklin’s A Gospel Christmas is not currently available on DVD.

When will Kirk Franklin’s A Gospel Christmas air on TV in 2023?

Not airing this week

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the Lifetime Channel. For a complete schedule of dates and times, please click here.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Demetria McKinney, Chaz Lamar Shepherd, Kirk Franklin

Rate Movie:

4.4/5 - (12 votes)

Kirk Franklin’s A Gospel Christmas Movie Trailer

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4 thoughts on “Kirk Franklin’s A Gospel Christmas (2021)

    • December 11, 2021 at 9:57 PM

      Shannon, “YES” I give this movie a 10 with 10 hands! This movie is This Year’s “This Christmas” Loved It, Excellent job Mr. Kirk Franklin…
      The music really ministered to my soul, and with that said all I want for Christmas is this soundtrack, where can I purchase it at?

      Merry Christmas everyone,

      -David B. Strong-

      • December 14, 2021 at 1:04 PM

        Hello, Super disappointed with this movie and Lifetime for showing it. The movie itself has a great theme/plot. However, approximately 10 minutes into it, in front of Miss D’s house, there is a sign BLM Matters. Unbelievable that Lifetime would endorse/produce a movie, promoting a terrorist organization. How many lives, businesses and communities they have destroyed with their hate is unbelievable.

        I deleted it after seeing the sign a second time. I wish I had saved it and collected the names of those who advertised during commercial breaks.

        • November 14, 2022 at 12:06 PM

          POLLY, my name is Felicia,and I’m responding to your comments and how dare you, so what you are saying dam people of color for standing up for justice and to be treated with respect and diginity, now do you tell the KKK, how dare them for killing and destroying black lives and being doing over 200 years, sounds like to me you are the racist. Take look in the mirror and you just may see the truth about yourself.

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