Meet the Santas (2005)

Movie Summary

Because she is marrying the man who became Santa Claus last December 26th, Beth’s postponed wedding has to be rescheduled for Christmas Eve. Overwhelmed by selling the house she and her son share, and the prospect of the duties of Mrs. Claus, she has to call on her estranged socialite Grinch of a mother to arrange the wedding.

Is it available to purchase or rent?


2022 Dates, Times, and Channels

Not airing this week

Year Released


Cast Includes

Steve Guttenberg (Nick), Crystal Bernard (Beth), Dominic Scott Kay (Jake), Armin Shimerman (Ernest), John Wheeler (Mr. Claus), Marcia Ann Burrs (Mrs. Claus), Mariette Hartley (Joanna), Julie Ariola (Winnie), Roark Critchlow (Mark), Kelley Hazen (Joanie)

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3.1/5 - (19 votes)

Movie Trailer

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6 thoughts on “Meet the Santas (2005)

  • October 19, 2016 at 9:27 AM

    Why hasn’t this been released on DVD There is certainly a lot of interest

  • November 12, 2015 at 7:23 PM

    …When are you people going to bring a genuine “Christmas’ movie???
    It’s all about “Santa” is this what Christmas is to you? You’re taking “Christ” out of the Christmas
    and making it into some kind of love story. Like, on again off again and then getting back again. Get real, it’s boring.
    Show that you care, Christmas is for
    Christians. Please, don’t cater to the newcomers who demand that we call it a “holiday”, season’s greetings etc
    The US was and is a christian country.
    My children are not allowed to put on christmas pageants, or say a prayer in school, yet the moslems are provided with a special prayer room. Are you people blind????? They’re taking over Europe and soon other countries. And, you , and so many others are still catering to these people????
    Remember , they need us , we don’t need them.
    If you’re unaware of all of this , listen to “FOX ” news , they will enlighten you, just in case you’re ignorant just like so many others in this country .
    For God’s sake , wake up and take a stand . Stop showing these boring movies , under the pretence that they’re Christmas movies …well !!!
    , they’re NOT!!!!

  • July 12, 2015 at 1:48 AM

    I would like to have it on dvd please put it out we need it to go with the other one

  • November 16, 2014 at 9:49 PM

    I love this movie and have wanted to purchase it since it came out. Please consider releasing this on DVDS.

  • October 25, 2013 at 7:32 AM

    why isn’t Meet the Santas on DVD?

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