Memories of Christmas (2018)

Movie Summary

Noelle, a star San Francisco financial dealmaker, returns to her quaint Michigan town to pack up and sell her inherited childhood home and attend the annual Christmas Charity Gala established by her late Christmas-obsessed mother. As the town braces for the sale of the beloved lodge where the Gala is held, Noelle makes the deal of a lifetime, all while experiencing renewed joy in the holidays and discovering unexpected love.

Memories of Christmas was originally released on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries December 8, 2018.

Where can I watch Memories of Christmas online?

Memories of Christmas is not currently available to stream online.

Is it available to buy on DVD?


When will Memories of Christmas air on TV in 2023?

12/13/23 – 8:00am on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Channel. For a complete schedule of dates and times, please click here.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Christina Milian (Noelle), Mark Taylor (Dave), Jaime Callica (Rex), Garry Chalk (Mike), Brandi Alexander (Karen), Sheila Tyson (Missy), Lisa Chandler (Cory), Adam Swain (Scotty), Rhonda Dent (Angela), Brent Stait (Mr. Henderson)

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Memories of Christmas Movie Trailer

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