Sister Swap: A Hometown Holiday (2021)

Movie Summary

In these interconnected movies, Jennifer and Meg are sisters who couldn’t be closer despite living hours apart. Jennifer is in Salt Lake City, running a successful restaurant she started with her late husband and raising her teenaged son. Meg stayed in their hometown of Hazelwood, helping their parents run the local bakery. When the sisters switch cities leading up to the holiday, they find a new sense of purpose and discover what they both need in life and love.

Sister Swap: A Hometown Holiday was originally released on the Hallmark Channel December 5, 2021.

Where can I watch Sister Swap: A Hometown Holiday online?

Sister Swap: A Hometown Holiday is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is Sister Swap: A Hometown Holiday available to buy on DVD?

Yes, as part of a collection.

When will Sister Swap: A Hometown Holiday air on TV in 2023?

10/30/23 – 8:00am on Hallmark Channel

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the main Hallmark Channel. For a complete schedule of dates and times, please click here.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Kimberley Williams-Paisley (Jennifer Swift), Ashley Williams (Meg Swift), Mark Deklin (Eric Baker), Susan Yeagley (Barb Hutter), Kevin Nealon (Uncle Dave), Keith Robinson (Joe), Jacob Buster (Simon Swift), Anna Holbrook (Debbie), Jim Byrnes (Luke), Roberta Valderrama (Valerie)

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Sister Swap: A Hometown Holiday Movie Trailer

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One thought on “Sister Swap: A Hometown Holiday (2021)

  • December 6, 2021 at 5:27 PM

    Great to watch a Hallmark movie that had a different twist, didn’t follow the same pattern all the time, real-life sisters added to the look, plot line had more substance – it’s a delightful Christmas movie.

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