The Last Straw (2014)

Movie Summary

Christmas is supposed to be a season of love, warm feelings, and happy hearts. But with the children constant bickering, pretty packages and a sweet-smelling tree don’t come close to filling the McDonald home with the true spirit of the first Christmas. Then Mom remembers an old tradition of building a soft bed for Baby Jesus one straw at a time. Each time someone secretly does something nice for another family member, he or she gets to add a single straw to the manger. Soon the children’s quarreling and negative feelings subside and the homemade crib is overflowing. But for one family member, a required act of kindness becomes more than he can take.

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Cast Includes

Corbin Bernsen (Mr. G.), Adam Johnson (Richard), Britani Bateman (Paula), Madison Bontempo (Jordan), Darien Willardson (Landon), Bryton Myler (Eric), Aisha Marie (Amber), Cassidy Nelson (Kelly), Kellen Hart (Mike), Emerson Hamp (Randi)

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