Unlikely Angel (1996)

Movie Summary

Ruby Diamond is a brassy lounge singer trying to enter heaven after a sudden and fatal accident. Unfortunately, Ruby lacks enough good deeds to enter. She is given a second chance, with a strict time limit, to return to Earth to polish her image and help those in need.

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2021 Dates, Times, and Channels

Available to stream on the Roku Channel

Year Released


Cast Includes

Dolly Parton, Roddy McDowall, Brian Kerwin, Allison Mack

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5/5 - (4 votes)

Movie Trailer

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3 thoughts on “Unlikely Angel (1996)

  • December 3, 2012 at 10:01 AM

    This movie was on GMC the title is Christmas with a Capital C

  • November 4, 2012 at 6:07 PM

    What is the name of the Christmas Movie.
    The church was fined by City Hall for having a nativity display.The towns people collected money to pay the fine.A stranger comes and rebuilds the manger display when it was removed.A pastor or clergy man goes away leaving a young intern in charge of the church, This movie was on TV the year before last.

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