Be My Valentine (2013)

Movie Summary

Firefighter lieutenant Dan Farrell is a widower and single dad who isn’t looking for love. But a few weeks before Valentine’s Day, his team responds to a fire at a local florist and he can’t help but notice the pretty owner, Kate. When he struggles to buy flower arrangements for the stations annual Valentine’s Day Firefighter’s Ball, Dan enlists Kate’s expertise and soon the two are spending lots of time getting to know each other. Inspired by his son Tyler’s budding romance with another firefighter’s daughter, Dan starts to open up his own heart and even asks Kate to be his date to the ball. Just when he couldn’t be happier, Dan is faced with an expected emergency call: Kate’s ex, Gavin, has returned to win her back with a marriage proposal. Will Dan suit up to fight for love, or let the flame with Kate burn out?

Be My Valentine originally premiered on the Hallmark Channel February 9, 2013.

Where can I watch Be My Valentine online?

Be My Valentine is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is Be My Valentine available to buy on DVD?


When will Be My Valentine air on TV in 2024?

Not airing this week

This movie normally airs during the month of February on the Hallmark Channel.

Year Released


Cast Includes

William Baldwin, Natalie Brown, Christian Martyn, James Thomas

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Be My Valentine Movie Trailer

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