A Christmas for Mary (2020)

Movie Summary

Up-and-coming journalist Lena Jones is tasked with delivering a story by Christmas that will wow her boss, magazine editor Vivian Vaye, who is dangling a promotion to head writer over Lena’s head. Intrigued by a portrait of a mysterious woman painted by her late grandfather, Lena journeys to the small town of Pineville, where with her mother’s blessing and support, Lena uncovers a long-ago forgotten tale of young love that not only uncovers cherished memories of the past, but also inspires Lena to follow her heart and find her own true love – and her perfect Christmas story.

A Christmas for Mary was originally released on OWN December 8, 2020.

Where can I watch A Christmas for Mary online?

A Christmas for Mary is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is A Christmas for Mary available to buy on DVD?

A Christmas for Mary is not currently available on DVD.

When will A Christmas for Mary air on TV in 2023?

12/15/23 – 2:00am on OWN

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on OWN (The Oprah Winfrey Network). For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the OWN for the Holidays schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Vivica A. Fox, Jackée Harry, Morgan Dixon, Leah Briese, Alonzo B. Slater

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A Christmas for Mary Movie Trailer

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