A Grandpa for Christmas (2007)

Movie Summary

Eighty-year-old Bert Riley is a former movie tough guy living comfortably and surrounded by good friends, all vets from Hollywood’s Golden Age. With a scrapbook full of memories, life has been pretty good to him. But he never expected any more surprises out of it. That’s before he receives word on Thanksgiving that Marie, the estranged daughter he hasn’t seen in decades, is in the hospital following a car accident. And Becca, the ten-year-old granddaughter he’s never even met, is moving in with him!

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Cast Includes

Ernest Borgnine (Bert O’Riley), Katherine Helmond (Roxie Famosa), Juliette Goglia (Becca O’Riley), Richard Libertini (Karl Sugarman), Tracy Nelson (Marie O’Riley), Jamie Farr (Adam Johnson), Quinn K. Redeker (Jack Fast), Justine Dorsey (Ashley Gee), Timilee Romolini (Christine Rogers), Tom Virtue (George Rogers)

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Movie Trailer

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One thought on “A Grandpa for Christmas (2007)

  • November 28, 2016 at 6:57 PM

    I loved the movie, A Grandpa For Christmas. I was a product of a broken family, so seeing movies about restored relationships is heartwarming. Thank you. God bless.

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