Best. Christmas. Ever! (2023)

Movie Summary

Jackie, who every Christmas without fail, sends a boastful holiday newsletter that makes her old college friend Charlotte feel like a lump of coal. When a twist of fate lands Charlotte, her husband Rob, and their family on Jackie’s and her husband Valentino’s snowy doorstep just days before Christmas, Charlotte seizes the opportunity to prove her old friend’s “perfect” life can’t possibly be that perfect. But in her overzealous attempt to expose Jackie, Charlotte nearly ruins Christmas for both families and must team up with her old friend to put the pieces back together.

Best. Christmas. Ever! is produced by Motion Picture Corporation of America (MPCA) for Netflix.

Best. Christmas. Ever! originally premiered on Netflix November 16, 2023.

Where can I watch Best. Christmas. Ever! online?

Best. Christmas. Ever! is only available to stream on Netflix.

Is Best. Christmas. Ever! available to buy on DVD?

No, this movie is available exclusively on Netflix.

When will Best. Christmas. Ever! air on TV in 2024?

Available exclusively on Netflix

Year Released


Cast Includes

Heather Graham, Jason Biggs, Brandy Norwood, Matt Cedeño

Rate Movie:

4.1/5 - (15 votes)

Best. Christmas. Ever! Movie Trailer

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