Catch Me If You Claus (2023)

Movie Summary

Avery Quinn is an aspiring news anchor who’s finally getting her big break on her station’s Christmas morning newscast. But that’s put in jeopardy when she captures an intruder in her home wearing a red suit claiming to be Chris, Santa’s son, who is on his first mission. A night of adventure ensues as they find themselves being pursued by the police as well as some shady characters. Along the way, they connect over living in the shadow of their parents and inspire each other to go after their dreams.

Catch Me If You Claus originally premiered on the Hallmark Channel November 23, 2023.

Where can I watch Catch Me If You Claus online?

Catch Me If You Claus is not currently available to stream online.

Is Catch Me If You Claus available to buy on DVD?


When will Catch Me If You Claus air on TV in 2024?

1/19/24 – 10:00pm on Hallmark Channel

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the Hallmark Channel. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the Hallmark Countdown to Christmas schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Italia Ricci, Luke Macfarlane

Rate Movie:

2/5 - (2 votes)

Catch Me If You Claus Movie Trailer

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