Christmas 9 to 5 (2019)

Movie Summary

Jennifer is a tough crime-beat reporter who gets the assignment of her life: to find the true meaning of Christmas. She’s embedded in a department store as a 9 to 5 sales clerk from Black Friday to Christmas Eve. Along the way, she finds her true calling and meets the man of her dreams.

Christmas 9 to 5 was originally released on Lifetime November 24, 20219.

Where can I watch Christmas 9 to 5 online?

Christmas 9 to 5 is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is Christmas 9 to 5 available to buy on DVD?

Christmas 9 to 5 is not currently available on DVD.

When will Christmas 9 to 5 air on TV in 2023?

Not airing this week

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the Lifetime Channel. For a complete schedule of dates and times, please click here.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Tiya Sircar (Jennifer Clarke), George Wendt (Manny O’Quinn), Joe Dinicol (Jack Desmond), Sheila McCarthy (Rose Stark)

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Christmas 9 to 5 Movie Trailer

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One thought on “Christmas 9 to 5 (2019)

  • November 26, 2021 at 11:17 AM

    Why is it that Christmas 9 to 5 was only shown on 16 Nov 21 at 6:00pm and other movies are shown 3 and 4 times?

    Could you please show it again before the Xmas movies end?


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