Christmas Bells are Ringing (2018)

Movie Summary

Freelance photographer Sam grew up spending summers at her family’s vacation home on Cape Cod, where she and Mike, a local boy, became inseparable friends. The untimely death of Sam’s mother brought those summers to an end for Sam, who couldn’t bear the thought of returning. Thirteen years later, they meet again when she returns to Cape Cod for her father’s Christmas Eve wedding. Their feelings for one another are still strong but their stars may not align. Sam is close to landing a staff position at a Boston newspaper and Mike is on track for a new job in London.

Christmas Bells are Ringing originally premiered on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries December 22, 2018.

Where can I watch Christmas Bells are Ringing online?

Christmas Bells are Ringing is not currently available to stream online.

Is Christmas Bells are Ringing available to buy on DVD?

Yes, as part of a collection.

Buy on DVD

When will Christmas Bells are Ringing air on TV in 2024?

Not airing this week

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Channel. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the Miracles of Christmas schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Emilie Ullerup (Samantha), Josh Kelly (Mike Phillips), Mark Humphrey (Lee), Rebecca Staab (Helen), Brenda Crichlow (Mary), Hamza Fouad (Josh), Roz Murray (Judy Phillips), Leana Yu (Candice), Teagan Vincze (Vanessa), Adil Zaidi (Jasper)

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Christmas Bells are Ringing Movie Trailer

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