Christmas by Starlight (2020)

Movie Summary

When her family’s beloved eatery The Starlight Café is slated for demolition, Annie vows to put a stop to it before Christmas.

Christmas by Starlight originally premiered on the Hallmark Channel November 26, 2020.

Where can I watch Christmas by Starlight online?

Christmas by Starlight is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is Christmas by Starlight available to buy on DVD?


Buy on DVD

When will Christmas by Starlight air on TV in 2024?

4/26/24 – 8:00pm on Hallmark Channel

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the Hallmark Channel. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the Hallmark Countdown to Christmas schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Kimberley Sustad (Annie), Paul Campbell (William), Rebecca Staab (Pat), Bruce Dawson (Gene), Malcolm Stewart (Jim Holt), Darren Martins (Lyle), Jeff Reyes (Michael), Rodrigo Beilfuss (Marco)

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4.2/5 - (8 votes)

Christmas by Starlight Movie Trailer

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One thought on “Christmas by Starlight (2020)

  • December 11, 2020 at 10:40 PM

    Smartly written dialog as everyone speaks as average people not as crafted characters by a non-actor scriptwriter. Kimberley and Paul are so convincing as their characters. They acted comfortably together. Their mannerisms, body movements, and facial expressions were natural not forced. Watching the two interact was effortless. They reminded me of Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy. We had recorded it and are not deleting it. Now we have to watch A Godwink Christmas. We are recommending everyone watch it. Kimberly and Paul are convincing actors which is why they they collaborated on this believable script. Hope they write more than together. Tell them thanks for an excellent enjoyable movie.

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