Mistletoe Connection (2023)

Movie Summary

Kate Snow loves everything about the holidays. From Christmas sweaters to Christmas crafts, Kate loves it all, but what really makes her jolly is Christmas time at her shop, Treasures from the Heart, that’s been in her family for generations. This year, however, a developer is moving into her quaint neighborhood and trying to turn everything she loves upside down. To make matters worse, Kate had an electric moment with a handsome stranger on a bus, but never got his name and now has no way to find him. Mark Goodwin may wear expensive suits and has a big job, but underneath it all, he loves Christmas and everything that comes with it. When he has a moment of connection with a particularly beautiful stranger – dressed as a Christmas elf no less – he goes on a mission to discover exactly who she is to make his holiday romance dreams come true. But when Mark and Kate discover that they are on opposite sides of a very personal battle, it will take all the Christmas magic in the world to bring these two together in time for a truly magical holiday.

Mistletoe Connection originally premiered on UPtv November 26, 2023.

Where can I watch Mistletoe Connection online?

Mistletoe Connection is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is Mistletoe Connection available to buy on DVD?


When will Mistletoe Connection air on TV in 2024?

Not airing this week

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the UPtv Channel. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the Most Uplifting Christmas Ever UPtv schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Jessica Sipos, Markian Tarasiuk, Kurt Ostlund, Jennifer-Juniper Angeli

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Mistletoe Connection Movie Trailer

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