The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (1983)

Movie Summary

Grace Bradley inherits the job of running her church’s Christmas pageant. It gets worse when the Herdman kids join in, all six of them, who are notorious for abusing each other and stealing from and abusing other kids as well. They smoke, steal, lie, bully, and generally create havoc in their town. Their father disappeared years earlier and their mother works two shifts at the shoe factory to support herself and the kids while the kids run wild. But this WILL be the best Christmas pageant ever when the Herdman kids learn the Christmas story and the true meaning of Christmas.

Based on Barbara Robinson’s classic book, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever originally premiered on ABC December 5, 1983.

Where can I watch The Best Christmas Pageant Ever online?

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is not currently available to stream online.

Is The Best Christmas Pageant Ever available to buy on DVD?


Buy on DVD

When will The Best Christmas Pageant Ever air on TV in 2024?

Not airing this week

Year Released


Cast Includes

Loretta Swit (Grace Bradley), Jackson Davies (Bob Bradley), Anthony Holland (Rev. Hopkins), David Alexander (Charlie Bradley), Fairuza Balk (Beth Bradley), Ocean Hellman (Alice), Janet Wright (Helen Armstrong), Jason Michas (Leroy Herdman), Lynne Gorman (Mrs. Clausing), Anna Hagan (Mrs. Clark)

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4.7/5 - (4 votes)

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Movie Trailer

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One thought on “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (1983)

  • November 18, 2013 at 10:33 AM

    I remember watching this as a child,and would love for my children to watch it.

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