A Prince for Christmas (2015)

Movie Summary

A small-town waitress and a handsome prince find love during the holidays, but can their romance survive his meddling royal family and her jealous ex-boyfriend?

A Prince for Christmas was originally released on ION Television November 29, 2015.

Where can I watch A Prince for Christmas online?

A Prince for Christmas is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is A Prince for Christmas available to buy on DVD?

A Christmas Gift is not currently available on DVD.

When will A Prince for Christmas air on TV in 2023?

11/24/23 – 12:00pm on ION Television
12/11/23 – 12:00pm on ION Plus

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on ION Television. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the ION Home for the Holidays Schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Viva Bianca (Emma), Kirk Barker (Prince Duncan), Aaron O’Connell (Todd), Brittany Beery (Alice), Kelly LeBrock (Queen Ariana), Maxwell Caulfield (King), Mark Lindsay Chapman (Geoffrey), Peter Johnson (Max), Richard Lounello (Kenny)

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A Prince for Christmas Movie Trailer

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4 thoughts on “A Prince for Christmas (2015)

  • December 25, 2022 at 9:15 PM

    I love this movie. A prince for christmas. Im just disapointed it played once this year and I didnt get to see it. I wish this movie would of played to end christmas night instead of the movie scheduled to end the evening.

  • October 23, 2019 at 9:17 PM

    Why can’t we buy a DVD of “A Prince For Christmas” ? Why is it not for sale on DVD?

    • May 29, 2020 at 8:16 AM

      Good question! I love this movie and look forward to it every Christmas. I watch it every time it’s on. The story is sweet but not sugary. The leads, including the parents, are just wonderful and perfect for their roles. The plot is actually believable unlike most Hallmark movies (which are really beyond the pale). The direction is spot on and the ending is realistic enough to swallow.

      • November 24, 2023 at 11:14 PM

        To ION, I too don’t have the luxury of having cable. For one, I choose not to. Because of all the horrible things they now and days show, confusing kids by shoving gender change, violence and gore as if we didn’t have enough already in this world, for once I want to sit down and watch a peaceful movie that doesn’t contain all the disgusting content I just mentioned above. Look, I just got off your fb page and everyone is complaining that they want their Hawaii five 0!!!! To be honest, I can care less about there Hawaii five 0!!!! This ridiculously show all year round along with other cop movies and violence, rape and mental disturbing movies!! These holiday movies are once a year!!! You understand?? Once a year. It’s not fare for those who are tired of turning on the TV everyday and see an episode of someone who raped some girl or got shot at. We have this going everyday in reality. For once, show the holiday movies Friday thru Sunday. It’s once a year and rarely get to see a peaceful movie!!! We have enough all year long all week seeing all these violent cops movies and chicago fire etc. So at least be considerate for people like us, like ME who is tired of seeing gore on tv!! Balance the movies now that you know these wonderful Christmas movies are once a year. Show them all weekend long. I’m sure you know I’m right.

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