Christmas on Mistletoe Lake (2022)

Movie Summary

Every Christmas, Reilly Shore picks a random spot on the map to take an adventurous trip. This year, that destination is the quaint hamlet of Mistletoe Lake. As she arrives, Reilly discovers that the town’s lone bed and breakfast is full due to the town’s annual Christmas Harbor Festival. When twelve-year-old Emma invites Reilly to stay on her dad’s boat, she learns that Emma’s dad Raymond Mitchell is selling his boat and can’t participate in the festival. Saddened, Emma enlists Reilly’s help to convince Raymond to enter into the festival so they can have one last perfect Christmas on Mistletoe Lake.

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2023 Dates, Times, and Channels

Not airing this week

Year Released


Cast Includes

Genelle Williams, Corey Sevier, Hattie Kragten, Robin Dunne

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2.3/5 - (3 votes)

Movie Trailer

None available

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