We’re Scrooged (2023)

Movie Summary

When ex-high school sweethearts return to Minneapolis for the Christmas Snowball 10-year high school reunion weekend, they each check in to the hotel single and alone. Although their friends called them “Ross and Rachel,” Sarah and Scott parted ways after college and pursued their high-end careers. After a run-in at the kickoff event, they are both warned that they are going to be visited by three Christmas ghosts over the next three days. While dreaming each night, they have shared experiences reliving their past and present Christmases. These unsettling yet comedic visits help them both see what they gave up. And that they gave up on each other. When the Ghost of Christmas Future visits them separately, they must each make a choice to reunite or lose their love forever.

We’re Scrooged originally premiered on UPtv November 5, 2023.

Where can I watch We’re Scrooged online?

We’re Scrooged is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is We’re Scrooged available to buy on DVD?


When will We’re Scrooged air on TV in 2024?

Not airing this week

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the UPtv Channel. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the Most Uplifting Christmas Ever UPtv schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Tamara Duarte, Andrew Bushell, Sergio Di Zio, Nykeem Provo, Kimberly-Ann Truong

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We’re Scrooged Movie Trailer

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