Jack Frost (1979)

Movie Summary

Jack Frost ushers in winter every year but is upset that he is unable to interact with humans, since they cannot see him. When he falls in love with the young peasant woman Elisa, he requests to be made human. Father Winter agrees to make him permanently human as long as he has a house, horse, bag of gold, and a wife by the beginning of spring. But will Jack decide to remain a human forever?

The 1979 animated version of Jack Frost originally premiered on NBC December 13, 1979.

Where can I watch Jack Frost online?

Jack Frost is available to stream from the following providers:

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Is Jack Frost available to buy on DVD?


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When will Jack Frost air on TV in 2024?

Not airing this week

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on AMC. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the AMC Best Christmas Ever schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Buddy Hackett (Pardon-Me-Pete), Robert Morse (Jack Frost), Paul Frees (Father Winter), Larry Storch (Papa), Debra Clinger (Elisa), Don Messick (Snip), Sonny Melendrez (Sir Ravenal Rightfellow), Dee Stratton (Mama), Dina Lynn (Holly), Dave Garroway (Groundhog Day Television Report)

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Jack Frost Movie Trailer

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