A Prince and Pauper Christmas (2022)

Movie Summary

When her down-on-his luck confidential informant in a criminal investigation suddenly goes missing, a desperate young federal agent recruits his doppelgänger to play his role. But her job gets even harder when she falls for the criminal’s stand-in… who just happens to be a European prince visiting the states for Christmas.

A Prince and Pauper Christmas was originally released on ION Television December 11, 2022.

Where can I watch A Prince and Pauper Christmas online?

A Prince and Pauper Christmas is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is A Prince and Pauper Christmas available to buy on DVD?

A Prince and Pauper Christmas is not currently available on DVD.

When will A Prince and Pauper Christmas air on TV in 2023?

11/24/23 – 4:00pm on ION Television

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on ION Television. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the ION Home for the Holidays Schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Brittany Underwood (Sydney), Jonathan Stoddard (Prince Alexander), Tom Arnold (Cushing), Steven T. Bartlett (Grady), Joe Finfera (Dimitri), Andrea Lee Davis (Valerie), Kenny Johnston (Hugo), Sheila Ball (Aunt Catherine), Milda Dacys (Eunice)

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A Prince and Pauper Christmas Movie Trailer

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