The Rooftop Christmas Tree (2016)

Movie Summary

Every Christmas, Dale Landis fastens a tree to his roof and decorates it for the season, and every year he’s arrested for it. Determined to keep Dale out of jail, a judge orders attorney Sarah and prosecutor John to work together to defend Dale.

The Rooftop Christmas Tree was originally released on UPtv November 27, 2016.

Where can I watch The Rooftop Christmas Tree online?

The Rooftop Christmas Tree is available to stream from the following providers:

Stream on Amazon

Is The Rooftop Christmas Tree available to buy on DVD?

The Rooftop Christmas Tree is not currently available on DVD.

When will The Rooftop Christmas Tree air on TV in 2023?

11/17/23 – 9:00pm on UPtv

This movie normally airs throughout the holiday season on the UPtv Channel. For a complete schedule of dates and times, view the Most Uplifting Christmas Ever UPtv schedule.

Year Released


Cast Includes

Michelle Morgan (Sarah Wright), Tim Reid (Dale Landis), Stephen Huszar (John Keaton), Roger Dunn (Judge Sam Connor), Alison Brooks (Abby Wright), Peter Michael Dillon (Frank Wright), Krista Morin (Jessica Keller)

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The Rooftop Christmas Tree Movie Trailer

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4 thoughts on “The Rooftop Christmas Tree (2016)

  • May 13, 2019 at 5:07 PM

    Overall, I guess the movie was OK. But I have a question about the ending. The supposed “solution” to the building code problem is: the two romantic leads and other people in the community, put up a structure to hold the tree even higher up on the roof. How is this still not a building code violation? It’s still attached to the roof somehow, right? what am I missing here? Thanks.

    • October 26, 2021 at 3:12 AM

      Well Steve, they didn’t put it ‘higher’ but built a platform like a ‘deck.’ So it was no longer sitting on the roof, but a safe platform and it was more like a potted plant sitting on a deck.

  • May 13, 2019 at 4:19 PM

    very good movie.. not your typical love story. keep watching to see why he had a rooftop christmas tree

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